
A doggy’s version “Tokatoka” dance

Source : Youtube

Tokatoka is a popular dance that originated in the Pacific Islands, particularly in Fiji. It is a fun and energetic dance that involves shaking your hips, moving your arms, and following a specific rhythm. In this blog, we will go through the steps of how to dance Tokatoka.

Step 1: Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your arms relaxed by your sides.

Step 2: Begin by swaying your hips from side to side in time with the beat of the music. Your movements should be fluid and smooth.

Step 3: As you sway your hips, raise your arms up and out to the sides, keeping them relaxed and loose.

Step 4: With your arms still raised, bring your right arm down in front of your body, while lifting your left arm up and out to the side. This movement should be quick and snappy.

Step 5: Repeat the same movement with your left arm, bringing it down in front of your body while lifting your right arm up and out to the side.

Step 6: As you continue to sway your hips, move your arms in a circular motion, as if you are drawing a circle in the air.

Step 7: Move your arms up and down in time with the music, while continuing to sway your hips.

Step 8: As the music builds up, increase the speed and intensity of your movements. Let loose and have fun with the dance!

Step 9: Finally, end the dance by bringing your arms down to your sides and taking a deep breath.

the Tokatoka dance is a fun and energetic dance that involves hip-swaying, arm movements, and following a specific rhythm. With these simple steps, you can learn how to dance Tokatoka and join in on the fun. Remember to keep your movements fluid and relaxed, and let loose and have fun with the dance!