BlockChain Culture&Drama

Tips to make you rich by smart investment

Focus on the factors that influence the development of blockchain technology and related coin prices

Market risk after Corona19

The value of an asset or liability can be adversely affected by fluctuations in interest rates, exchange rates, stock prices, and bond markets.

  • Interest rate risk
  • currency risk
  • price risk
  • stock price risk

Public offices influencing global financial flows

the Federal Reserve System
The Federal Reserve System and Fed are the central banking systems of the United States. It is operated by the Federal Reserve System Board (FRB), consisting of seven directors appointed by the President and approved by the Senate, and is guaranteed through independence from the government. The most important function is the issuance of dollars, and in addition, it determines the change of the reserve rate for payment, the credit regulation for stock transactions, the regulation of the interest rate for fixed deposits of member banks, and the re-discount rate of the Federal Reserve. As the dollar is used as the world’s key currency, this decision affects the US and the global economy as a whole.

US Treasury Secretary
The Department of the Treasury is an administrative agency in the United States. As part of the federal government, it collects taxes and manages the state finances.

The Securities and Exchange Commission
SEC is a quasi-judicial body established by the US government in 1934 to establish order and regulate capital markets. It is often written as SEC as an abbreviation in English. The main duties of the US Securities and Exchange Commission are as follows.
• Thorough implementation of corporate disclosure
• Investigation of stock acquisition by major shareholders
• Registration and cancellation of qualifications
• Registration of listed securities
• Regulations on electricity and gas businesses with a strong public interest

Investment Company
World’s largest blockchain investment Company
: Blacklock
U.S. digital asset Investment Company
: Grayscale
Financial Service Company
: UBS Global

Individual influencer over global (tweet,, article)
E. Musk
B. Gates
W. Buffett
N. Rubini

Please refer to the web link below for the latest news


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