
Website that creates characters or animations

The websites and tools mentioned below are useful for creating or recommending characters and animations. OpenToonz, Piskel, MakeHuman, Blender, and Reallusion’s Character Creator are all free tools that can be used to create 2D or 3D characters and animations. Character Design References, Behance, and Dribbble are websites that feature collections of character designs and animations from various artists, which can be helpful for inspiration. These resources can be particularly useful for those who are looking to create characters and animations but may not have the budget to hire professional designers or animators.

  1. OpenToonz – a free and open-source 2D animation software that can be used to create animations, including character animations.
  2. Piskel – a free online tool for creating pixel art and animations, which can be useful for creating simple characters and animations.
  3. MakeHuman – a free and open-source software for creating 3D human characters, which can be useful for creating more realistic or complex characters.
  4. Blender – a free and open-source 3D creation software that can be used for creating both characters and animations.
  5. Reallusion’s Character Creator – a free tool for creating 3D characters, which includes a library of pre-made assets that can be customized and combined to create unique characters.

As for websites that create or recommend characters and animations, here are a few options:

  1. Character Design References – a website that features a collection of character designs from various artists, which can be useful for inspiration.
  2. Behance – a platform for creative professionals to showcase their work, including character designs and animations.
  3. Dribbble – a community of designers sharing screenshots of their work, which can include character designs and animations.

I hope this helps!


  1. OpenToonz – https://opentoonz.github.io/e/
  2. Piskel – https://www.piskelapp.com/
  3. MakeHuman – http://www.makehumancommunity.org/
  4. Blender – https://www.blender.org/
  5. Reallusion’s Character Creator – https://www.reallusion.com/character-creator/download.html


  1. Character Design References – https://characterdesignreferences.com/
  2. Behance – https://www.behance.net/
  3. Dribbble – https://dribbble.com/