
A cat who left the house at minus 17 degrees🐱 What was the reaction?

The range is usually between 37.5°C (99.5°F) and 39.2°C (102.5°F).
Within this range, it can be judged as healthy.

The range is usually between 37.5°C (99.5°F) and 39.2°C (102.5°F).
Within this range, it can be judged as healthy.

However, if the cat’s body temperature is out of this range or there is a sudden change,
There may be health problems, so you should always consult your veterinarian.

If your cat’s body temperature is too low or too high, it may be due to:

If your body temperature is low:

Hypothermia: This can happen when the outside temperature is low or there is a problem with body temperature regulation.
Other diseases: Various diseases such as hypothyroidism, kidney failure, infection, etc. can be the cause.

If your body temperature is high:

Fever: Fever can occur for a variety of reasons, including infection, inflammation, poisoning, and allergy.
Overheating: Your body temperature can rise due to high temperature environment, improper exercise, stress, etc.

You can use an ear, mouth, or rectal thermometer to take your cat’s temperature.
However, since ear and mouth thermometers may be less accurate,
If possible, it is recommended to use a rectal thermometer recommended by the veterinarian.

Cats’ preferred temperature is usually between 20°C (68°F) and 27°C (80°F).

This temperature range provides the most comfortable and safe environment for cats.
However, the preferred temperature may vary slightly depending on the cat’s personality, coat length, body type, and health condition.

For example, cats with long, thick fur may prefer a relatively low temperature, and cats with short or hairless hair may prefer a higher temperature.

To help your cat maintain a comfortable temperature, you can use the following methods.

Room temperature control: In order to keep the room temperature in the range that the cat prefers, it is necessary to use an air conditioner or heater appropriately.

Provide a warm nest: You can use blankets, beds, or electric blankets for cats so that your cat can rest in a warm place.